News 06 May 2019

Auction for 90GWH of Capacity - 7th May

This auction is now closed


This auction is now closed

Storengy UK are delighted to announce that we have 90GWh of 30:30 capacity available for SY 19/20. The product is our standard 30:30 product following our published GTCs, the start date of the product will be 1st June 2019 and the final day will be 30th April 2020.

An auction will be held for this capacity on Tuesday 7th May. Existing and prospective customers are welcome to bid for this capacity.

We will be inviting bids for the 30:30 Product from 11 am (UK time) on the 7th May, with the auction window closing at 12 midday. We will look to notify all bidders as to whether or not their bids have been successful within 45 minutes of the auction window closing.

Bids should be sent to on the bid form.

All of the documents for the 30:30 Product and the auction are available at the link below:

Commercial Team